
Six scriptures for when you've lost your confidence

RESTORED - 6 Scriptures for When You've Lost Your Confidence - by Shovorne Adams

January 1, 2022|In Faith|By Shovorne AdamsMany of us start life confident.As a little girl, I spoke my mind, road my bike and my skateboard down steep hills, and wore whatever I liked, whether it was…

Tunnel Vision - The Hope Table Blog for Christian Women

Tunnel Vision - by Rhiannon Surage

June 1, 2020|In Time with God, Faith, Christian Living|By Guest AuthorAnyone else ever feel like we move through life in a bit of a blur…or is that just me? Hair, nails, make-up, lashes – DONE Kids…

I feel disappointed but i will put my trust in God

Upgrade Your Disappointing Season from an Obstacle to an Opportunity

Have you ever been so sure about a plan? So expectant, hopeful and full of faith about something or someone only to be thoroughly disappointed? Whilst reading Own Your Everyday by Jordan Lee Dooley,…

Get Better, Not Bitter, After Rejection! 5 Biblical Truth Bombs you need to know

I read Hagar's story in the summer of last year - as I lay in bed at my nan-in-laws by the sea - after being rejected by someone I hoped would be a friend for life. I’d been dwelling on this…

Christian woman in a hat by the pool

10 Things I Learned About My Purpose When Peter Tried To Walk On Water

Fear and doubt were standing in the way. Standing in the way of answering the call and stepping into the purpose God had for my life. Fear and doubt drafted excuses and worries on my behalf. Worries…