Don’t you just sometimes feel distracted from your purpose in life? Like you’re doing everything but that one thing you feel called to do?
Whether it’s to write the book, start the business, build the family, work on the relationship, take the course, book the counselling, serve in x capacity, take a season of rest, WHATEVER your goal and priority is in this season, the distractions are MANY, and they are everywhere!
I realised in past years, I was distracted. I was doing what I felt God was calling me to do, but it wasn’t necessarily a priority. I mean, I did it. I fitted it in where I could ‘if’ I could. Not because I didn’t want to do it, there we just so many other things that needed doing. Things that pushed themselves to first place but probably didn’t belong there. And guess what, all of the distractions weren’t necessarily some bad or evil habit. Many of them were good things, good projects, upright things. But, I was neglecting what I felt was my core purpose in that season. It starts to take its toll when we are overstretched, over-committed, and to the wrong things. We are meant to be in the world but not of it, but many of us will find it’s the same world we are called to be set apart from, dictating how we spend our time rather than the will of God guiding our priorities.
As we have finished the first quarter of 2022 (already), a reflection on what has already been, is key to gaining clarity on where we hope to be going. Are we happy with how we have been living our 2022 so far? If not, what needs to change?
As I reflected on our brothers and sisters in Christ in Acts, I witnessed how intentional they were with their day. They know their assignment, answer the call, and invest in it. Look at how they took hold of what they were called to do. How they invested in their spiritual and physical well-being. How they did it together with God at the centre. Don’t you just love God’s response at the end? He added to them.

The key to investing in what matters in a world of endless distractions is to first decide what matters and gain clarity for this season’s focus.
So, questions to ponder or journal prompts for my journalling buddies:
1) If you could do Q1 of 2022 again, what would you do differently?
2) Who are you investing your time in, and are they the right people?
3) Who is investing in you, and are they the right people?
4) In what ways are you investing in yourself spiritually, physically and mentally?
5) What’s God’s response to how you invest my time?
All of our answers will look different, and so they should! The saints of old were intentional with the day – how they invested their time mattered. They were purposeful about their spiritual and physical well-being and the needs of others, and they did this together with God at the centre.
I can’t speak for all, but as a woman, we can sometimes feel like we wear 14,379 hats that fill our time, and so, of course, we can’t be expected to live our days like back in Acts. But we are stewards of our time and our days. Whatever your days look like, I pray that you DARE to eliminate the distractions and what shouldn’t be there to BRAVELY make room for what matters in this season—that which matters to you and God. I did and I have zero regrets. There is a level of contentment that comes when you’re investing your time in obedience to God.
It’s time for us women of God to lay down the distractions of this world and choose to live every day invested in what matters. Whatever it is God has called you to do, He will faithfully equip you with the tools.

I love this! I have been wrestling with what is a “yes” for the season and what else needs to go so I can be focused on the important things and what God wants me to be doing. Thank you for the encouragement today.
I love this exercise. Being intentional is at my core, and this is a great tool to help me stay on track. Thank you!
Love this post! Its a great reminder to invest our time on heavenly things instead of earthly things.
Thank you for this excellent reminder to be intentional in the way we serve Father God, care for ourselves, and care for each other.
I love your example from the book of Acts – the believers knew their priorities and God added to their numbers. 🙂
These are some great questions to reflect on. I am also in a process of clarifying what matters and focusing on those priorities. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for your post reminding us the importance of ridding ourselves of restrictions and being intentional with our time – being with God and His plan for our life.
I am so guilty of this. Sometimes I have my priorities wrong. I’m definitely a work in progress but need to take more action. Thank you for this wonderful reminder. I love your writings. X
Love this! Its so easy to get distracted with the everyday stuff but you are so right. We need to focus on what God has called us to do and that is to make disciples.
I completely agree with this! The more we can remain undistracted, the better we can focus on the things that God had for us. This is our modern day challenge.