Hi I'm Janet. I am a business owner, wife, mother, daughter & sister.

I’m from Harrogate, a grew up on a farm and now live in Skipton, North Yorkshire. My profession is/was a beauty therapist and I had my own business for 13 years which I sold when I had children. I worked in a school for 9 years and left in 2017 as I wanted to explore different avenues and in 2018 we launched “Skiptons House of Design” an online design business selling luxury cushions and we are looking to expand our range this year. I have two boys aged 20 and 17, a dog and a truly wonderful husband who I run my business with.

Janet Booth founder of Skipton House of Design
Booth's dog

Tell us about your business/ministry...

We launched “Skipton’s House of Design” 18 months ago as we were looking to do something different that would allow us to work on our ‘why’. We have spent a lot of time getting clear about our big picture and where we want to be in 5, 10 years. Having an online business gives us the freedom to do that. It plays to our strengths but it has also been a very STEEP learning curve.

We have lots of things planned for the future, we have a big year goal and lots of exciting ideas to move us along. We are looking to expand our range and grow our email list.

Skipton House of Design

A cushion by Skipton’s House of Design featured in Tattler Magazine’s March 2020 issue as part of their Room Revamp section

How has your faith influenced you and your journey?

It has shown me to look beyond just what is in front of me. It has also been an amazing anchor when I don’t understand or am at a crossroads. It has also shown me how to celebrate and how many wonderful things there are going on in the world at a local, national and international level.

Hit us with a few your favourite motivational quotes

"Progress not perfection"

"Everything is figureoutable"

If you're reading this right now and need to be encouraged, I'd say:

Don’t feel like you have to do it alone, allow yourself to be vulnerable and support will come

Janet Booth

Skipton's House of Design - Janet Boot

Dear Hope Sister,

Thanks for checking our monthly feature. Each month we’ll be introducing a Christian woman that is an example of love, grace and all things fabulous! Today we share with you, the gorgeous Janet Booth as our March Hope Dealer of the month.

We connected during a business course, and all I can say is every boss-babe, needs other boss-babes in her life! As Janet said, “Don’t feel like you have to do it alone, allow yourself to be vulnerable and support will come.” We need each other! 

She’s a beautiful example of family, business and faith! (And I love that she works with her hubby, just like me!) 

I hope you are blessed by the little snapshot of her life.

Please tune in next month when we’ll meet another Christian mover and shaker.

With Heart & Hope,

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Hope Dealer of the month
Hope Dealer of the month
Hope Dealer of the month

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